Reason #4 Transformed by Glory
"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." Psalm 19:1 (NASB95)We are blessed to live in a time of such technologically advanced tools of discovery. The Hubble Deep Space telescope is allowing us to see more of the glory of God that is revealed in the heavens than ever before. Images like this dust cloud surrounding a giant red star that is located 20,000 light years away, on the edge of our Milky Way Galaxy, powerfully declare the glory of God to those with eyes to see.
But much like the power of God is more clearly revealed in the gospel than in the eruption of a volcano, so too, the glory of God is more powerfully seen in the Gospel than in the lights of the heavens.
"The glory of God is the most powerful agent of transformation available to mankind. It is so powerful that it transforms those who merely gave upon it. The apostle Paul gives personal testimony to concerning this stunning fact. 'But we all," he says, 'beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory." 2 Corinthians 3:18 From Paul's testimony I learn that if I wish to become all that God wants me to be, I must behold His glory each day.
But where do I find God's glory to behold? Indeed, the glory of God is revealed throughout all of creation, but the Bible indicates that, outside of heaven, the glory of God in its thickest density dwells inside the gospel. It is for this reason that the gospel is described in scripture as 'the gospel of the glory of Christ' and 'the gospel of the glory of the blessed God.' 2 Corinthians 4:4 Consequently, as I habitually gaze upon the glory of the Lord revealed in the gospel, I can know that actual deposits of God's very glory are attaching themselves to my person and transforming me from one level of glory to another. 2 Corinthians 3:18 This transformation is deep and abiding, and unfadingly displays the glory of God to others." -Milton Vincent, A Gospel Primer for Christians, p.16As a believer I don't need a deep space telescope to see the glory of God. I can see it every day in it's most powerful display, in the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ my Savior and Lord. But just as the scientist must point the telescope in the right direction to behold the incredible sights found in the vast universe, so too I must daily point the telescope of my mind and heart to the unfathomable beauty of the gospel. So here is another reason to preach the gospel daily to myself. May God grant to me daily the grace to see His glory though the gospel, and that I would in turn reflect His glory to others.
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