Gospel Quote of the Week

"When we preach Christ crucified, we have no reason to stammer, or stutter, or hesitate, or apologize; there is nothing in the gospel of which we have any cause to be ashamed." -C.H. Spurgeon

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday Song

This past week I have posted the first 5 reasons why Believers should preach the gospel daily to themselves that Milton Vincent presents in His book "A Gospel Primer for Christians". A couple years ago when my wife Lorna first read this book she asked me, "So how do you preach the gospel daily to yourself?" I told her that I like to listen to music that speaks of the gospel. And that was all I had to say. I now have come to realize that there is so much more that can be, and should be, given as an answer to that question. There is so much more that we can be, and should be, doing to keep the gospel before us continually. Again, that is the main purpose of this blog, for myself personally, and hopefully as a resource to others.  That being said, I do believe music is a gift from God and a wonderful tool to help us glory in the gospel.

Music is Powerful
Listening to well written songs that proclaim gospel truths, put to appropriate melodies and rhythms, can be a powerful way to keep the gospel in the center of our thoughts.  We all know how music has a way of getting "stuck in our heads". What better tune to get "stuck in your head" than one that reminds you of gospel truth?  Whether its a hymn, praise song, contemporary, country, or one of a dozen other genres of music, if the content of the lyrics, the message that is being proclaimed, is solidly Biblical and tells me about the gospel, it would be a good song for me to listen to in my pursuit of the gospel daily.  Keeping in mind that we all have different tastes in music, so a song that is helpful for me to listen to may be a distraction to you and vice versa.

My point is this: Music is one of the many tools and resources God has given us through which we can preach the gospel daily to ourselves. So lets use it! Like so many other things, we must be purposeful and disciplined if we are to take full advantage of it. So here is an idea: Find one song each week that proclaims biblical gospel truth to you and listen to it regularly. Trust me, chances are it will get "stuck in your head!" That's a good thing. But so it won't become annoying...the next week find another.  Keep the songs together in a folder on your computer,or in a playlist on your MP3 player. It doesn't have to be a new song...you may already have it in your collection, but separate it out or make a list. After a few months of faithfully doing this you will have developed a good selection of "gospel music". Think what you will have if you do this for a year! So to help you out, and to keep myself  going on this, each Saturday I will post the "Saturday Song". I will recommend to you a song that proclaims gospel truth and you can check it out and see if it is something you would want to add to your collection. So here we go!

The "Saturday Song" I recommend to you this week is "The Precious Blood" by Sovereign Grace Music. This beautiful song proclaims powerfully just how precious the blood of Jesus is that was shed for us (1 Peter 1:18-19). If you are not familiar with Sovereign Grace Music, let me encourage you to check out their music as they put out A LOT of quality, gospel centered, biblical music. As a bonus, they are having a huge sale right now on their CD's and downloads! You can listen to sample clips on their website and much of their music is available on iTunes as well.  Here is are some of the lyrics from "The Precious Blood:
"And who am I that I should know
This treasure of such worth
My Savior’s pure atoning blood
Shed for the wrath I’d earned
For sin has stained my every deed
My every word and thought
What wondrous love that makes me one
Your priceless blood has bought
Oh, the precious blood
That flowed from Mercy’s side
Washed away my sin
When Christ my Savior died
Oh, the precious blood
Of Christ the crucified
It speaks for me before Your throne
Where I stand justified"
(complete lyrics here)
More good music: Sovereign Grace Music

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